Masser af biks... selvfølgelig med spejlæg!
Det er meget forskelligt hvad jeg putter i min biksemad, for jeg har en tendens til at gemme alle mulige små kødrester og når de så er hobet op i fryseren, så er det bare om at bruge det til en ordentlig gang biksemad. Kartofler og løg har jeg som regelen altid i køleskabet, og så købte jeg en pakke bacon i tern, for det hører jeg sig ligesom bare til ;) Pølser havde jeg også lidt af i fryseren og man kunne sagents have puttet grøntsager i - men det havde jeg ikke nogen af da jeg lavede det!
Skal spises med masser af hjemmesyltede rødeder - MUMS!
I dag står den på lidt afslapning, når jeg altså er færdig med alle de gøremål jeg har sat mig for, indtil videre har jeg formået at lave tunmousse og lavet burgerbolledej der nu står til hævning.
Lige om lidt skal jeg ud og handle, lave koteletter i fad til i morgen samt på posthuset. Så synes jeg også at jeg har fortjent en slapper... man kan nå meget når man er stået op på et ukristeligt tidspunkt som kl.5.20 for at køre Manden på arbejde ;)
Ha' en fantastisk dag derude!
- Maj :)
Danish food sucks. No taste, just fat and gristle.
SvarSletWell that's your opinion :) I'll recommend for you to stop reading Danish food blogs if you find our food that revolting...
SvarSlet- Maj
I was just saying, like. :-)
SvarSletBut it does suck extremely. That stuff with the fried egg doesn't look very healthy.
Can you make a blog about food that only includes tasty things?
Hurra for biksemad og restemad!
SvarSletDet bakker vi op om.
Selina Juul
fra Stop Spild Af Mad
Selina: I would have thought you of all people were against bikesmad! It has to be thrown in the trash every time anyway. Think of all the eggs, oil, energy and leftovers that are wasted to create this revolting Danish peasant dish!
SvarSletYou hadn't thought it through, had you?
Erm, erm, erm?
Hej Selina :)
SvarSletJa biksemad kan altid bruges i en håndevending når nu man har en masse rester liggende - støtter fuldt op omkring "Stop Spild af Mad" og gør mit ypperligste for at begrænse mit spild :D
- Maj :)
Muffin - there is no need for you to come back to my blog if everything you see disgust you!
SvarSletCreate your own blog with tasty food, and I will be happy to come by and be inspired - until then, leave my blog alone, and please don't dictate what I should be posting, I'm not forcing you in here...
- Maj
Apologies, Maj. I was trying to inspire you to better things. I always find that
SvarSletYou need to look to different continents if you want to liven your dishes up. Danish food is disgusting but it's like a I can't help looking for blogs about it on the internet. I expect there is a Freudian explanation for this state of affairs.
What about using cous cous? A cous cous and and bean salad on rugbrød? Give it a Danish twist. No ristede løg allowed!
Well, nice enough with apologies wich is followed by an insult - you're such a pleasant person, aren't you?
SvarSletI don't no why I bother commenting, and I will stop after this one, and really hope you'll find what you're looking for elsewhere - so take a hint, Thanx!
- Maj